July 2011 Archives

CBKO assembled imageA while back I spent some time building a stratum 1 NTP time server based on a Motorola Oncore UT+ GPS receiver and an old (decommissioned and free) PC Engines WRAP.1E-1 board. I was inspired by N8UR's (John Ackermann) essay on using the Soekris net4501 single-board computers as high-accuracy time servers, which I don't have - but I thought I'd do what I could with the WRAP. I rigged up a level converter and hooked the Oncore up to the WRAP's serial port, installed FreeBSD and got it up and running keeping good time.

Anyway, that's not what this post is about. I discovered quickly that the stability of the onboard oscillator really wasn't very good. There was a clear diurnal cycle, swinging about ±7.5μs according to ntpd. The solution here, I thought to myself, was to reimplement John's proven TAPR Clock-Block design (kits available from TAPR) with a couple of changes.
I finished my Basic qualification exam last weekend with a 95%, earning me access to all the Canadian ham bands. I've got a power limit of 250W DC transmitter input power and can't build my own transmitters, but I imagine that will keep me going for some time.

The test was pretty straightforward, all the questions are available ahead of time and Industry Canada even provides a practice test generation tool using those questions. Run through a dozen or so tests and you start to learn the correct answers, most of which are regarding regulations and operating procedures. Add a decent understanding of electronics to fill out the technical questions and it's pretty easy to get a good score and earn the additional honours privileges.

Thanks to Gary VE7AS for administering my test, and buying me breakfast!

Now christened as VE7XEN, I've decided to start this blog about my radio-related endeavours.


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